Small Group Pressing

Set Up

  • 1 minute per round
  • 15 x 25 yards
  • 12 ( 3 teams of 4)
  • Footballs, cones, bibs,  mini goals


  • Develop ability and mindset to win the ball back quickly.
  • Develop individual and group defending skill set.
  • Develop transition speed. Defence to attack.
  • Develop defensive decision making, communication and resilience.


  • Spilt the player into three teams, two attacking (one in each half) and one defending (starting in the middle channel)
  • The practice begins with the coach playing a ball into one of the attacking teams, 2 defenders leave the middle channel into the area in opposition to the attacking team with possession of the ball (4v2)
  • The attacking team must complete 5 passes before transferring the ball across to the opposite area to score. At this point, the two defenders return to the middle channel and the other two defenders then enter the opposite area to win the ball back quickly and if they win the ball, score in either of the two goals
  • Play restarts with the coach playing a ball into either of the attacking teams
  • 1 minute per round for defending team, the three teams then rotate


  • Transition. If attacking team gives the ball away they immediately become defenders and defend the opposite end.

Coaching Points

  • Transition to press, speed of initial press.
  • Individual defending - body shape, angle, speed of approach, tackle.
  • Group defending - denying space/work together. Cover/balance.
  • Steal, spoil, score (on regain). 
Meet the Expert

Ian Dyer

  • Vast experience coaching across all levels of the game
  • UEFA A Licensed Coach

This practice is featured in the 6 Practices Ebook

6 practices designed by Ian Dyer, UEFA A Licensed Coach
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